Stance on Social Justice Issues

Basic Principles

  1. Both Evangelism and social concerns are Christian responsibilities. As a church, we are entrusted with the task of evangelization as well as social responsibility. The church is called to proclaim a holistic gospel that focuses on winning souls and tending to the needs of the whole person. The ongoing transformational power of the gospel should be evident in our own lives as we engage the world. (Gen. 1:28-30; Matt. 28:18-20)

  2. Christians are to actively care about social issues in order to foster social justice, fairness, public welfare, compassion, love, and the care for social needs. Our Christian witness should be a good representation of the holistic gospel we adhere to. May our Lord’s name be honored as the church and individual Christians are mobilized to seek justice and mercy in our world. (Isa. 1:17; Mic. 6:8)

  3. Every member of the church belongs to the redeemed community in and through Christ. That identity surpasses all others, including gender, ethnicity, language, nationality, and political affiliation. (Eph. 4:1-6)

  4. We should strive to abide by local, state, and federal laws and to live out our responsibilities as good citizens in accordance with the teachings of the Bible. (Rom. 13:1)

  5. In light of these principles, everyone is free to hold their own political views but should commit to understand and respect others who have different positions. Should any difference of opinions arise, CCCFC is committed to providing a safe space where all can share their views with mutual respect as we listen to one another with humility. (Rom. 14:1; James 1:19-20)

Our Stances on Politics

  1. Christians are not called to establish the Kingdom of God in this world through political means. The transformation of individuals by the gospel is the key to bringing about a transformation in society and culture. Legislative gains in favor of biblical values through the political process do not mean ultimate victory.

  2. We will support political views based on biblical values, but will refrain from endorsing specific political parties or individual candidates.

  3. We recognize that Christians hold to diverse political views. As such, it is important to discuss political issues in peaceful and respectful manners.

  4. We should exercise discernment with regards to information on social media outlets.

  5. Christians are encouraged to care about and participate in political processes for the betterment of our society.

  6. As Christians, we engage in politics mindful of the following principles.

    • Motive: to glorify God.

    • Standard: the Word of God is our ultimate standard, not human thoughts or theories.

    • Justice: we should seek biblical justice in our society through legal and peaceful means.

    • Love: we should engage in politics based on God’s love, knowing that political discussions are inclined to lead to strife and dissension.

    • Moderation: we should exercise self-control, and especially avoid any kind of violence in political engagements.

The Social Responsibility of Christians

  1. We have a responsibility to care for and help the poor and vulnerable in our society through tangible giving and actions.

  2. We uphold the integrity and health of marriage and family. The marriage that God established for humankind is between one man and one woman, having one spouse for a lifetime. The Lord teaches that what God has joined together, no one can put asunder. We oppose all kinds of sexual immoralities as condemned by the Scripture, including the following: extramarital affairs, cohabitation, homosexual activities, and polygamy.

  3. We believe that life is a gift from God and must always be regarded as sacred. As such, we care deeply for the sanctity of life and oppose abortion. We are concerned about the addictive harms to the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of individuals and families caused by the following: alcoholism, tobacco, drugs, gambling, and pornography.