Meet Our Staff
Rev. Ka-Tong Lim
Ka-Tong is a graduate of Singapore Bible College, Dallas Theological Seminary (Master of Theology; recipient DTS Lay Institute Teaching award), and Asbury Theological Seminary (PhD in Intercultural Studies). Since 1986, KT has served in various pastorates in Malaysia and the U.S. and was a lecturer at Singapore Bible College from 2000 to 2003. He became senior pastor at CCCFC in 2012. KT is the author of, The Life and Ministry of John Sung, and a Chinese study guide on the book of Psalms. Pastor Lim and his wife, Bee-Ling, have three adult children: Samantha (married to Justin Chao), Jeremy, and Steven (married to Kellie W Lim). His favorite pastimes are reading, listening to music, and occasionally, watching games with his boys.